The new year: Welcome 2023!
6 Jan 2023 - News

A new year has come, as usual we find ourselves thinking about what we achieved during the year that just ended, not that much honestly as we like to look forward more than backward, but sometimes we do. So what happened? We should probably go for what NOT happened as looking to the world standing up again after the pandemic, it’s freaking awesome what we did during last year.
The first thing that comes to mind is for sure the split with Simone, this was heart-breaking at first but it was a friendly split anyway, we still see him and we still love him (of course). Even if in the past we suffered line-up changes, we have to congratulate with ourselves because this time we actually didn’t “feel it”, we went on and found a new friend besides an incredibly talented guitarist: Eddie has become part of our family in the most natural way possible. It’s like he’s always been part of the “pack” and this is the most important part for our growth as band: we always stressed the fact that we’re friends before being a band. With Eddie this is completely natural ❤.
On top of that, we finally returned to hit the stage. This is a huge goal for us all because being on the stage is like feeling “at home”, it’s the very place where we belong. It’s what makes us happy, like, really happy. We shared the stage with amazing bands and friends, we’ve been in great festivals and had a very good time enjoying the music, the people and the food. It was almost like living a dream because as we all know, it’s been tough, but we’re finally back on stage.
If this is not enough to describe our excitement for the new year, we also closed all songwriting for the new album! Isn’t that great?!? We can’t say that much now but we can anticipate that there will be A LOT of songs coming, not just for the album (Ooops! Did we just say too much?!? 😜).
What else can we add? Follow us on social media and on the road, the are a lot of things coming. BE THE FLAME! 🔥